Resilience Trainer,
veteran family wellness center
Erryn Shine, MS, is a Resilience Trainer at the UCLA/VA Veteran Family Wellness Center (VFWC). She was a USMC spouse of 13 years, and during those years she served as a Key Volunteer. Erryn obtained a Master’s of Science degree in Clinical Psychology from Capella University. She had the privilege to work with soldiers from Fort Bragg providing therapy and assessment services at a private mental health provider in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Erryn worked for the Los Angeles County’s Department of Mental Health (LACDMH) for the last 5 1/2 years. She gained experience working with Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) with extensive trauma histories and severe mental illness in the Full-Service Partnership (FSP) program. Erryn provided case management services, taught rehab skills (individually and group) to youth and their families, and provided crisis intervention. She also served as the acting Housing Specialist for the FSP-TAY team in which she connected clients to temporary and/or permanent housing. Erryn is looking forward to applying her knowledge, skill set, and experience accumulated over the years to help Veterans and their loved ones who come to the VFWC to achieve the health and wellness they deserve.