The UCLA Family STAR (Stress, Trauma And Resilience) Clinic provides evaluation, consultation, prevention, and treatment services for children and family members affected by trauma and other challenging events, including medical illness, traumatic loss, community violence, disasters, and combat deployment stress. Comprised of a team of psychiatrists and psychologists specializing in children and adolescents, the clinic provides expertise in child and family traumatic stress care for children of all ages and their family members, as well as educational resources and training for UCLA Child Psychiatry Fellows and Psychology Interns. The clinic is located at UCLA in Westwood (740 Westwood Plaza, Rm A8-216, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1759) | Click here for a map and directions

Contact the STAR Clinic for more information on:

  • STAR Family Group –  designed for parents and children who have experienced a traumatic event. Registration is open for interested families.
  • Super Parenting!  –  help your child develop healthy ways to manage stress, cope with change, and build healthy relationships. Registration is open for interested families.
  • EMPWR LGBTQ+ Group  –  designed to help teens 14-17 who identify anywhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum build on their current strengths and learn new skills to manage stress. Now enrolling interested participants.
  • Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) – focuses on building connections and teaching parents strategies for managing their child’s challenging behaviors. It improves child behavior and decreases parenting-related stress using live therapist coaching.
  • FOCUS (Families OverComing Under Stress) FOCUS teaches key skills that support family resilience and build strong bonds. During FOCUS, families create a shared narrative that supports enhanced communication and conflict resolution.

For more information or to make an appointment, contact us at 310-825-7573.

Clinicians and other professionals can make referrals by emailing or by calling 310-825-7573.

Learn more about Family Trauma.