Senior Clinical Training Manager
Dr. Natalie Arbid works as a Senior Clinical Training Manager at the UCLA Prevention Center of Excellence overseeing the implementation of trauma and resilience informed training programs to Los Angeles County employees working in Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTP). STRTPs are intended to serve children/youth/nonminor dependents who need a level of care and supervision that cannot be met in a family-like setting and who are not in need of inpatient services, such as a psychiatric hospital or Community Treatment Facility. Prior, Dr. Arbid worked as a clinician and supervisor at Harbor UCLA Medical Center offering trauma informed evidence-based care to clients and teaching this approach to students. She also worked on the system level dissemination and implementation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to clinicians in county clinics. She is passionate about making trauma informed, evidence-based practices more accessible for underserved populations in LA county.